AuronxLulu Graphics

Be sure to credit userpics, colorbars, etc if you take any o' these.

Auron/Lulu Graphics

by members of the Aulu LJ Community. Click to jump to:

[Colorbars] [Banners] [Wallpapers] [Userpics]

or go to my own much more extensive collection of several hundred Auron/Lulu icons and other Final Fantasy X icons.

Auron/Lulu Colorbar

Auron X Lulu is Love

... by <lj user=saharasnow> (Comments go here)

Auron/Lulu Banners

... by <lj user=saharasnow> (Comments go here)
... by <lj user=saharasnow> (Comments go here) <lj user=trekqueen> (Comments and a tiny story banner here)
... by <lj user=saharasnow> (Comments go here)

Auron/Lulu Wallpapers <lj user=zoozy> (Click to enlarge; comments go here)
◊ Two wallpapers (Different Sides) (There Are Two Sides in Every Story), who asks you to inform her before using them on a website.
◊ There's also several Aulu wallpapers in the files of the old Auron_x_Lulu Yahoo Group.

Auron/Lulu Icons

...a few examples from the many wonderful Aulu icons by <lj user=saharasnow> (Comments) <lj user=angel-ray> (Comments go here) <lj user=lillyfics> (Comments) a few more by <lj user=muggy_mountain> posted here. Several bases = fanart by Kitt!